
Saturday, 2 June 2012

SOLO hexagons or …

Hexagons, although not a formal part of the thinking taxonomy, SOLO, are often found to be usefully used to encourage students to make links between their facts/ideas. Hexagons naturally tessellate and this natural structure is said to allow students to make links easily. Making these links is akin to the way we think the brain links ideas and in doing so the hexagon links can support learning.

The focus on the links moves the learner from the multi-structural phase, several facts phase, to the relational phase.

The current SOLO phases are visually shown by the following icons

Thanks to Tait Coles for the image.

@learningspy is the guy for the hexagons image.


Some questions for thinking about:

How do students identify these links?
Are all links equally useful?
Do all possible linkages move learning on?
Can we get students to think harder about the links?
Hexagons naturally link. Does this mean that students could link serendipitously rather than through deep thinking?

Of course, there is likely to be real value on allowing learners to create the hexagon map and then review the links that they have created. But can we get more by sometimes requiring more thought about the links?


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